I am personal injury attorney Mike Lombardi.
Have you ever wondered why so many motorcycle wrecks happen? Drivers and riders share the blame. There is a lot of misinformation out there as to who is at fault in a motorcycle accident. The truth is that drivers and motorcycle riders share the blame.
What Motorcycle Riders Can Control
Although both passenger car drivers and motorcycle riders can both cause a motorcycle accident, the good news is that as a motorcyclist, there is something you can do about it. By learning who is most at fault in motorcycle crashes, you can learn what to look out for on the road and how to avoid certain possible riding behaviors of your own. Let’s check out some facts. When talking about who causes motorcycle accidents, statistics show us that 60 percent of crashes are the fault of a driver, not a motorcyclist. A very sobering fact is the amount of time a motorcyclist has to react to avoid an accident — less than .02 seconds.
How To Be A Safe Rider
Many motorcycle crashes occur because 92 percent of riders are self-taught. To be a really safe driver, all new riders should take an official safety course. Forty percent of all fatal motorcycle accidents are caused by riding while drunk. It’s safer to ride on rural roads, where 38 percent of all motorcycle fatalities occur than in urban areas where 50 percent occur. Almost one-third of motorcycle fatalities involve riders who don’t have a motorcycle license or have one that has been suspended. Motorcyclists have a 40 times higher risk of being hit when drivers are making left turns at intersections or making a U-turn. Most motorcycle crashes occur Friday through Sunday between the hours of 3 pm and 9 pm. Wearing a motorcycle helmet matters in states without mandatory helmet laws; 59 percent of fatalities were riders without a helmet. In states with universal helmet laws, only eight percent of fatalities were riders without a helmet.
I hope some of these facts will help you make wise decisions about how, when, and where you ride your bike. Unfortunately, no matter how responsible you drive, motorcycle accidents do happen. If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident that wasn’t your fault, please give me a call or text me at Mike Lombardi Injury Attorneys, so we can discuss your case and answer any questions you may have. We want to help you in any way we can.