1011 Smith St, Providence, RI 02908
655 Killingly Street, Johnston, RI 02919
If you have been charged with domestic violence, or if a protective order is filed against you, you need to seek experienced legal counsel immediately. The laws surrounding domestic violence can be complicated and difficult to navigate, and an experienced attorney will be able to help you protect your rights and guide you through the process. The attorneys at Mike Lombardi & Associates can help defend you during criminal proceedings and can represent you at protective order hearings. Don’t risk representing yourself. Call our Rhode Island domestic violence offense attorney now.
For more information on our domestic violence defense services, call us at 401-600-0000.
Domestic violence is violence or abuse that occurs within families or households. It is a pattern of abusive behavior inflicted upon a person by a family member or someone they are intimate with to gain or maintain control and power. Domestic violence includes behaviors that manipulate, intimidate, humiliate, terrorize, frighten, coerce, isolate, and other similar actions. Further, the definition of what constitutes a family or household member varies by state, and penalties can include fines and/or jail time.
Examples of domestic violence include:
Because of the complexity of domestic violence cases, you need an attorney on your side, ensuring that your rights are protected throughout the entire process.
If you are being accused or facing charges of domestic violence, do not hesitate to call our Providence domestic violence attorneys. We know that every situation is unique, and we treat every case with the respect and compassion it deserves. Our attorneys are dedicated to fighting for our clients’ rights, and we can handle cases in both Rhode Island and Massachusetts. With extensive experience handling cases that involve domestic violence offenses, we have the knowledge and experience you need to feel confident in the courtroom. When you need an aggressive advocate, Mike Lombardi & Associates is here for you.
To learn how we can help with our domestic violence case, call our Rhode Island criminal defense attorneys at 401-600-0000.
1011 Smith St, Providence, RI 02908
655 Killingly Street, Johnston, RI 02919