I am personal injury attorney Mike Lombardi. Without uninsured motorist coverage, you could go broke. We know that nearly 90,000 motorcyclists are injured in accidents every year and an estimated 5,000 lose their life.
Liability Insurance
The numbers show riding a motorcycle is definitely riskier than driving or riding in a protected passenger car. With all the injuries endured by the bikers, so many of them serious, it seems obvious that they would know they need a really good insurance policy. Most do, most know that they are required to carry liability insurance which would help pay for the injuries and damages, they might cause to another person in an accident. In Rhode Island and in Massachusetts, all motorcyclists have to carry a minimum amount of liability, in property damage insurance.
Uninsured Motorist Coverage
However, if you’re a biker there is one type of insurance that many of you may not be aware of; uninsured motorist coverage also is known simply as UM coverage. An insurance policy with this provision will financially protect you if you are ever hit by a motorcyclist or a fellow motorcyclist who doesn’t have any car on motorcycle insurance.
How UM Coverage Helps
Can you imagine being seriously injured by a negligent driver or a biker who doesn’t have any insurance coverage? What if you were injured in a hit and run accident? It could be financially devastating to you. With UM coverage you’d not only have your motorcycle damage covered, but all your associated medical bills, prescriptions, lost wages and pain and suffering would be taken care of. In effect, UM coverage takes the place of the liability coverage, the at-fault person should have been carrying.
How To Get UM Coverage
You might ask, how much is UM coverage and should I get it? That’s a difficult question to answer. Just keep in mind that accident costs can pile up very quickly. So you may want to purchase as much coverage as you can afford, in order to avoid paying a lot of money out of your pocket.
Unfortunately, there are drivers and bikers out there that are not carrying any type of insurance. If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident that wasn’t your fault and there is no insurance, please give me a call or text me at Mike Lombardi Injury Attorneys, so we can discuss your options and answer any questions you may have. We want to help you in any way we can.