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I am personal injury attorney Mike Lombardi. How can you protect your ears from noisy motorcycle helmets? It’s a well-known fact that motorcycle helmets save lives. But did you know that they are so noisy, they can actually do permanent damage to your ears? Motorcycle Noise A motorcycle engine can reach 95 decibels, enough to …

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I’m personal injury attorney Mike Lombardi. The majority of motorcycle accidents are head-on collisions. They are also the most dangerous. Approximately 80% of all motorcycle accidents are head-on collisions with a passenger car. Sadly, many of them are fatal for the motorcyclists. Most Dangerous Accidents Most motorcycle accidents are head-on collisions. We regard these as …

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I’m personal injury attorney Mike Lombardi. Today, I’d like to talk about why helmets are so important. Helmets can prevent a traumatic brain injury in a motorcycle accident. If you’re not wearing one, why aren’t you? Doctors, scientists and many motorcyclists agree that wearing a motorcycle helmet can limit severe injuries. So why are some …

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Follow the motorcyclist two-second rule for following other vehicles. It could save your life. You know that it’s very important that motorcyclists keep a safe distance between themselves and other vehicles on the road. But just how do you calculate that distance? I’m personal injury attorney Mike Lombardi. The more experienced you are as a …

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Providence, RI 02908